OSC Answers Questions
How did you get into all of the exact emotions of Ender? I think that
would be very hard to get into the emotions and put them all on paper.
-- Submitted by Anonymous
Oddly, I don't really get into emotions at all. That is, my goal is to
make the READER feel the motion, and therefore I set up events and
circumstances that will cause the reader who is identifying with Ender to feel
emotions FOR him.
Not that I never have Ender feeling anything. But the way I do it is to show you
what particular events mean to him -- how he interprets them, what he was
trying to do, how he tries to respond. Sometimes that includes an emotional
response, but I don't dwell on that. I don't try to "write" the emotions; the
prose is not emotional. Rather, the prose is unemotional, most of the time --
even dispassionate. That puts the burden of the emotion on the reader.
It's the old theatrical cliche. If someone cries onstage, the audience doesn't
have to. But if someone onstage SHOULD be crying, and is trying very hard not
to, the audience will cry buckets. Jim Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Kate
Winslett understood this in Titanic, for instance. Leo and Kate aren't crying as
Leo dies. They're just cold and scared and thinking about each other. So the
audience does the crying.